
LIFE Green Heart :

As part of COP21, the main objective of the LIFE Green Heart project in Toulouse is to lower the temperature by 3°C within a 30-hectare area and ensure the cooling of surrounding neighborhoods. By combating the phenomenon of heat islands in dense urban environments, the project will make the city of Toulouse more resilient and better adapted to the rising temperatures resulting from climate change. WaltR is the air quality specialist within the consortium and hasalready installed various types of sensors (such as WaltRCam, microsensors, etc.) to monitor air quality as part of this project, as well as its broader impacts across the Toulouse region.

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The Automated Airport Emissions Monitoring project at Roissy aims to address the rapid growth of air transport by working towards carbon neutrality by 2050. Currently, monitoring emissions from ground units such as Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) is done empirically, leading to significant time consumption. WaltR's objectives include automatic detection of APU usage, measuring the consumption of the Air Conditioning Unit (ACU), and real-time transmission of data to a mobile application, accompanied by notification to the airline in case of unnecessary APU usage. The concept relies on implementing a WaltR infrared camera to detect emissions from the APU outlet, along with the design of an industrialization plan and an economic model.

SmartVitiNet :

SmartVitiNet is an innovative project aimed at developing, testing, and bringing to market a holistic plant protection and phytosanitary system based on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, new observation platforms, and ready-to-use sensors. The project also aims to establish a Precision Viticulture Competence Center.

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GEMS : Global Emission Monitoring from Space

The GEMS service is a unique and comprehensive platform that utilises satellite data through scientific algorithms to monitor and analyse global emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases. It provides unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution, giving the opportunity to our clients to make knowledgeable and impactful decisions.

Co-funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) under the ARTES 4.0 – ESA BASS (Business Applications and Space Solutions), GEMS is a space-based downstream service that revolutionizes emission control and sustainable economic models.

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